Q: Interested in making a big impact and help ensure that CRN’s projects serve everyone in our global community?
A: You can help ensure that CRN’s projects serve everyone in our global community by:
- Making a one time or recurring donation
- If you participate in end of year giving, consider supporting us then too.
As a volunteer-run organization with no paid staff, every dollar we raise goes directly towards website hosting, security updates, site maintenance, technology software, projects and events. Even a modest gift will help us.
Here’s some of what we’ve been up to recently….
- We executed three collaborative nation-wide studies of Cohousing, including setting a precedent for a 5-year cycle of recurring Cohousing community-level and household/individual-level surveys.
- Through these research efforts we provided material support for a doctoral dissertation and a master’s thesis.
- We presented research at the 2019 National Cohousing Conference in Portland and at the Elder Cohousing Symposium in Wilmington NC.
- Heidi secured a grant to compare coho and condos in terms of resident civic/political engagement.
- We applied for an NSF grant.
- Our research-l community has grown to 125 subscribers!
- We are building a database for our online Bibliography – which has grown to over 150 articles – which will soon searchable by author, article name, year of publication and keyword
We are grateful for your donation. Thank you!
Cohousing Research Network team